Affiliates Opportunities

Click to see win/win opportunities, or email subject "partner" to propose your idea!

Make a fair percentage based on how much you sell. We are looking for influencers to help us spread the word about our products and services. Send an email to to learn more, or sign up for a Saturday morning class here.

Note, the system is automated so it might be a few weeks before hearing back. If there is sufficient interest, the system will be updated to meet demand.

Depends on the type of sale and the quality of the client. Details to come as this grows.

Everything is automated. If you bring a client and they pay, then you get paid the agreed upon percentage. Contracts are simple and automated.

This is stuff I like or am curious about. Will likely put some of these on TikTok store.

RunwayML is not amazing like Sora's promised videos but is so far stable, predictable, fairly easy to use. It is a machine learning software that allows you to create and run models without writing code. It's a great way to get started with machine learning and AI video, image and text generation.

Canva has become an industry standard. Time to face the music that faster production with simplified cross-platform tools is the way to go. It also already incorporates lots of the apps, such as Hey-Gen, that are top notch for avatar generations.

Adobe Photoshop was the industry standard for photo editing, and I do use it for perfecting some things, but I don't think it is a must-have. People want fresh content, which can be generated less-perfectly at a more cost-effective clip with generative AI. It does have some AI features that are pretty cool, but is still a sharp learning curve to adapt to. However, it is a great tool to have in your arsenal, especially for editing disfigured hands in generative media. Adobe firefly is also great for more straight laced audiences type of marketing.

Cyberlink Power Director is sort of easy to use, but I do wish it had more capabilities with a Mac. Windows lets you record your face on the video, Mac does not as of March 2024. They were very fast and reasonable in allowing me to fix my licenses so they worked across all my devices.

Lacie hard drive - good idea to still backup locally with a lacie time machine hard drive.


What do you think about these?! --> like using your sunglasses as a mouse or trackpad... wayfare meta smart glasses - I have not tried them myself.


These are not free, as I am booked solid and also work a very interesting regular day job in artificial intelligence, so have to be discerning of potential opportunities. Thank you for understanding.

Set an appointment to discuss opportunitieshere

Join a Saturday morning session here. Please note that I generally pick the topic to discuss before the actual session, so make sure to fill out your submission form before Saturday so I am aware of what you want to learn.